Library Configuration

Click the Advanced button in the 'Add Folders' dialog, or the File > Options > Library menu. This will allow you to configure how files will be added to the database from the selected folders:

Infer Track Properties

In cases where the tags do not contain much information, MediaMonkey can get some information such as Artist, Title, or Album from the Filename if this option is enabled. Properties can be inferred from 'Filename' or 'Filename + Path'. Generally, it is better to infer from Filenames only, unless Tracks are arranged in a highly organized directory structure, in which case 'Filename + Path' will yield better results.

It is also possible to specify whether to use 'Tags and then inferred properties', or vice versa. Generally, Tags contain more accurate information, so choosing 'Tags and then inferred properties' will import properties from Tags, and then any missing information will be imported from inferred properties. The only time one would want to use 'Inferred Properties and then Tags' is if it is known in advanced that tags are inaccurate, and filenames contain more accurate data.

Note that the inferred properties are saved in the database, but not saved to the file tags (in case the information is incorrect). Once you've verified the data, you can update the tags manually--see Synchronizing Your Tags.

Get Album Titles and Track Numbers from

This setting defines how Album Titles and Track number properties are added to the Library. Options are 'Tags only', 'Tags then Playlists', and 'Playlists then Tags'. 'Tags only' should always be used, except in cases where a music collection is arranged in such a manner that each collection of Tracks has an associated playlist that defines the Album. 

Scan Track directories for Album Art

If enabled, any .jpg, .bmp, .png, or .gif files that are found in a directory, are linked to the Tracks in that directory as Album Art. This link is made only if the Tracks are all from a common album. Note that Album Art that is stored to a tag will always appear in the Library, regardless of this configuration setting.

Remove Underscores When Adding Filenames

This option removes underscores from Filenames when they are added.

Analyze Tracks for Duplicates

This creates a digital signature for the audio content of each Track that is scanned (tags are ignored), so that each Track can be uniquely identified. If any two Tracks are duplicates (i.e. they have matching signatures) they will appear in the Files to Edit > Duplicate Content view.

Ignore Songs

This prevents songs that are less than a specified size (KB) or time (seconds) from being added to the Library, since it's unlikely that you really want such files to appear in your Library.

Update Track info from Tags when re-adding Files

This causes all Tracks that are re-added (either manually by clicking 'Add Tracks...' or automatically via the File Monitor) to be updated--even those that already exist in the database. The effect is that if other applications have been used to modify track tags, the database will automatically update with the changes. The downside to this is that if tags are out of date, they will overwrite the more up-to-date information in the databases (this is not usually an issue since MediaMonkey is configured by default to keep tags up-to-date by writing them immediately --see Tag Configuration ). See Synchronizing Your Tags.

Note: The 'Only for files with changed timestamp or size' option speeds up all scans subsequent to the initial one by limiting re-addition to files that have changed in size or timestamp. 

Remove Unused Artists

This causes any Artists that no longer contain any Tracks or Albums to be automatically removed from the Library.

Remove Unused Albums

This causes any Albums that no longer contain any Tracks to be automatically removed from the Library.